Thursday, July 26, 2012

Four Months Young!

Where did the last four months go?? Oh yeah, hospitals, nursing school, and lazy summer days! But still, I can't believe he's four months old today! He's still such a little guy for four months old, but he's just so adorable! I mean, look at this little heart breaker :)

Happy Birthday little guy! We love you!!

Pioneer Day wasn't too excited down here in Southern Utah, which was a shame because it's always such a blast in Northern Utah! But luckily we had the rain, movies from the library, a surprise, Miles to entertain us!

Here's our surprise... In this here piggy, I've been saving all of my lose change for a piano one day. When Levi and I started dating he starting contributing as well, for he loves playing as much as I do! So when we heard one of our friends here in Cedar was selling hers, the exact type we wanted, and for a very reasonable price, we HAD to count the pig! Change strewn all over the floor in a mad counting fashion, it was quite the circus trying to organize the stacks of quarters and piles of pennies when we were just so excited to see if we had enough. And guess what? WE DID!! So I'm happy to announce we have a new addition to the family:
Isn't she beautiful??
She doesn't have a name yet, but she will very soon!  

Miles have officially been moved to his own room! My mom told me it would make a huge difference in the quality of sleep Levi and I were getting, but I had no idea how true it was until we actually did it! Here's a few sneak peaks of the nursery:

LOVE the polka dots!

New knobs makes an old dresser look new!

Same with this one! A new coat of paint and matching knobs , you'd never guess  this used to be  mine! Hehe :)
Another pic of the bassinet Levi refinished!
We won't be moving him into the crib until we move, but then his room will be complete!

Apricots, Spice, and Everything Nice

It's been a while, so this post is going to be a rather lengthy one... I apologize!

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade... So what do you make when life gives you apricots? More like my mom giving me apricots, and it was a HUGE box of them! Well in our house we made fruit leather, freezer jam, fruit chips, crockpot chicken, and apricot pork of course! That apricot pork was goooo-oood! :)
Apricot Spice, Apricot Banana, and Apricot Strawberry fruit leather! YUM!
Thanks for the tasty apricots Mom!!

On the 15th we were blessed to have family down for Miles' blessing on Sunday. With a taco salad bar, the smell of rain, and lots of hugs to go around, it was a wonderful weekend! Thank you to everyone who came!!

Here's Daddy and Miles on his big day!

Still just captivated by the camera! 

The other day Miles and I were out on our weekly walk to the library when a little boy about six years-old on his bike stopped us. This is how the conversation went:

Little boy: "My name's Logan."

Me: "Hi Logan. That's a cool bike you've got there."

Logan: "Thanks. What's your name?"

Me: "My name's Sonnett."

Logan: (Perplexed look...) "Oh." [Ya, I get that a lot] (Silent pause) "Your baby brother's really cute. I have a baby brother too, but yours is lots cuter than mine. You're lucky." And he rides off.

What a kid! I don't know who to feel bad for, his little brother or his mom haha. Or for myself, since apparently to a 6 year-old I don't look old enough to have a baby. Hmmm... :)

Here's some pictures from the week:

This is what I came home to the other day. Levi says, "I've found the solution to Miles spitting his binky out!" So he strapped it to his ears!! "Okay no." I say. Hello choking hazard, but I'll admit it was really funny and quite creative of him. And it worked too! ;)

Cousin James holding Miles.

Cousin Austin holding Miles. This little boy just can't get enough of him! He's especially fascinated by his "little toes" and "little ears" :)

Miles' Smiles...there's more where that came from!

Grandma Karin got him some cool shades! Now he can look like Daddy!

Boy does he love his Aunt Shannon! She's going to be such a great mom one day; she has such a way with babies!!

How can you say no to this face??
So the bassinet that Miles sleeps in we bought at a yard sale for cheap! Mind you when we bought it, it was a piece! Stickers, too many coats of white paint, and practically falling apart. Levi spent the last year completely sanding it down, putting it back together, and restaining it, and it looks incredible! The funny thing is, Miles likes to sleep with at least one appendage sticking out of it. That's how you can tell if he's really sleeping, because he'll look like we found him this morning:

Arm sticking out...more common that not :)
I've said it once, I'll be saying it until I die: What a character :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Smile and Parade

And here's the picture I promised I'd catch:


But seriously, isn't it just the cutest??

Another week down! Levi and I were going over what we have planned for the next couple of weeks, and we realized summer is soon going to be over! Then it's back to school for me and same ol' grind for him. Next week (the 15th) is Miles' blessing, then the ward camp-out the week after that. Then there's Cherry Hill with my side of the family the following weekend, and Lake Powell with Levi's family two weeks following. One more week after that and it's back to school. Already, so soon? I wish it wasn't, but at the same time I'm so ready to get out there and actually BE a nurse. Mind you I don't feel prepared yet, but I'm ready to be prepared and actually be what I've been wanting to be for years now. Oh but to find a job will be another story... And where?? Who knows where we'll be in six months! One thing's for sure, we'll be where Heavenly Father knows is best for us. :)

This last week wasn't too eventful I'm afraid, just lots of evening walks, zumba, crafts, and cooking! We did go to the Green Show with Matt and Ali this week though! Not exactly the most entertained we've ever been, but it was nice to get out and enjoy the summer air in Cedar.
Like the "wind blown hair" look? :)
Miles seemed to enjoy it though, he stayed awake through the whole thing!

He just loves that bink!
In other news we went to the Cedar City parade this morning! Unfortunately it was a very slow parade, consisting of various businesses, politicians, a few teams and dance studios, one piece of candy to speak of, one marching band, and one bag pipe. What kind of 4th of July parade only has one bag pipe??? But Levi and I decided that one of our traditions for this holiday was to attend a parade, and since we couldn't be up north to go to the Murray parade like my family has done ever since I could remember, the Cedar parade it was! I'd like to say that Miles enjoyed the parade, but he slept through the whole entire thing! I was convinced he'd at least wake up while the fire engines blared past, and was set and ready to comfort my sweet crying infant, but this is how he reacted to the noise:
Dead asleep!
There's no doubt about it, he is his father's child! Both could sleep through just about anything!

Another holiday tradition is festive pancakes! For Valentines day we have red and pink heart pancakes, St. Patrick's day we have green shamrock shaped pancakes, Easter we have pink and purple egg shaped pancakes, and for the fourth? You guessed it!
Red, white and blue star pancakes!! 
Topped with blueberry syrup and strawberries they were a real treat!

What a way to end our holiday, a father and son nap. Very common occurance in the Anderson household, as Levi is a natural radiator of heat and flat chested, and Miles loves being warm and loves to cuddle. Oh how I love them both! :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

8 lbs and Growing!

I know I'm biased, but he is such a little cutie!

We saw his first real smiles (as opposed to the ones caused by bubbles in the tummy) on Tuesday! But somehow as soon as we get the camera out or click the button he stops. Clever little monkey :) We caught the beginnings of one and half of one here, but as soon as we candidly catch a full one, you'll be the first to see!

In the meantime, he's reached a solid 8 lbs according to the scale at the public health department! YAY!! They told us that little premie's tend to have more dramatic growth spurts than full term babies, which explains the very rapid weight gain the last couple weeks. He feels so big to us, and yet I hear other moms talking about when their babies were born at 8lbs or larger and I can't even imagine giving BIRTH to a baby his size! 3 lbs was big enough! Shoot!

Kiera visited all last week though, which was SOOO nice to have her here! Miles and I even helped give her the courage to chop her hair and donate it! Such a beautiful girl! And now she's headed off to the great land unknown (aka LA) to nanny for the remainder of the year. Oh how we will miss her! But it was so good to see her!

We also got around to having his pictures taken this week, which I will post next week when they arrive! Besides, we're just living the dream of new parents! Enjoying every blow-out, spit-up, and snuggle along the way! Here's some more of our cute little guy:
He's become rather fascinated with the camera :)

Mr. Bright Eyes

He's ALWAYS got his tongue out it seems! Doesn't matter if he's sleeping or awake, out it comes!

Don't be misled, this is NOT a happy face!

Howdy Folks!

Friday, June 22, 2012

So Photogenic

I couldn't help but post these! Oh I just can't get over how cute he is!
I'm thinking...I'm thinking....

Well now that you mention it...

You're JOKING!

Yeah, I know I'm cute.

No, it can't be true!

Say wha'?


Thank you for calling the Andersons, leave a message at the beep! BEEP!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No Strings Attached

It's official, Miles is off of his O2! No more cannula, no more oxygen to lug around, no more extremely annoying beeping from his pulse oximeter, he's a free baby! It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to carry him from room to room without all the cords and equipment. Oh and going outside! LOVE IT!! I'm pretty Levi, Miles,  and I have gone on a long walk every single day since he's been freed. Just Miles and I even adventured to the library, which was a lot longer of a walk than I thought it was, but the fresh air was so worth it!

He's getting so big!
We had a doctors appointment with our new pediatrician (YAY!!) and have to go ahead to grow! He also got his shots and boy was he upset about that! If you ever want to see a purple baby, hang around for him to get his shots... Such a brave little squirt though ;)

Aunt Shannon came to visit!

So did Grandma Anderson!

We love our family, and especially when they come to visit!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Miles Update

Miles had his first doctor's appointment with the neonatologists back at the NICU in St. George on Friday, and all we heard was great news! He's up to seven pounds exactly, nineteen and a quarter inches long, and still growing! We just passed his due date on the 2nd, so the doctors said Miles' size now is pretty close to what he would have actually been had he gone full term. Having him at three pounds makes it so hard for me to imagine having a baby his current size, HUGE! I know he's not really, but to me he seems to be!
 Just look at those eyes! Other news from his doctors, he should be ready to be completely weaned off of his oxygen! He's been completely off of it since Sunday, and has been blowing us away with how well he's doing. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll be able to say "adios" to his monitors and equipment forever! YAY!!